Application Form – Music High School, Academies and Choirs
Section reserved for middle school students, of any nationality. For all the contestants the program of the competition is free choice.
- Category F) Solo 1°, 2° e 3° High school – max 10 min.
- Category G) Solo 4° e 5° High School – max 12 min.
- Category H) Ensemble High School (from Duo to Decimino) – max 10 min.
- Category I) Academies – max 10 min.
- I1) Solo Academies – max 6 min.
- I2) Ensambles – max 10 min.
- I3) Orchestras
- Categoria L) Choirs
- L1) Primary
- L2) Secondary
- L3) Associations
Fill out the form below in all its parts and once click “Invia” (Submit). Once the request has been processed you will be redirected to the payment page.